I ended up falling twice this week, both really funny. The first was just this last Monday. Due to the rain we received, everything was really wet and, with the majority of streets being dirt, muddy. As we were leaving an appointment, at night were there isn't a lot of light, I slipped down this little hill. I could feel myself sink right into the mud. Yes, a picture is included. The second time we had to hurtle over this rock wall. I really did not want to rip my pants, again, so I decided to not give it my all. From lack of thrust, my foot made it on top of the wall, and then slipped and hit my shin. My companion and I couldn't stop laughing from these two experiences.
We saw the awesome power of the priesthood. We were talking to one of our great investigators we have and decided to pass by here house to see why she hadn't attended these last two weeks. When we arrived, her eyes were really red, her face was really sad, and her voice was very damaged. She told us that she had received this flu virus that has been going around and that it had gotten worse and worse everyday. The sweet old lady we knew had completely changed due to this sickness. We explained about priesthood blessings and she wanted us to give her one. When we passed by just two days after, she looked like the sweet old lady we have come to love again. She told us that the night that we gave her the blessing was the first time she had gotten good sleep since contracting the sickness. Her headache had completely left. She, and we, knew that is was through the power of God she was able to get better health. The blessings of the priesthood is real.
Today we helped out an investigators sell fish to get enough money for her husband to be registered in the city system so that they can get married and he can get baptized. It was a crazy day of cleaning fish, cooking, and delivering. However, it was enjoyable to ride in our three-wheeled motor taxis here in Atacames.
I'll end with one last funny thing that happened this week. We were eating lunch with a member this last Wednesday and she had some family and friends over. As we sat and talked, one man observed that we were doing something that the world thinks would never happen. He (from Columbia), the member and her family (from Ecuador), my companion (from Peru), and me (from the States) were all having a meal together. I latter told my companion it could be the start of a bad joke. What do you call a Columbian, Ecuadorian, Peruvian, and Gringo? MISSIONARY WORK 

. Yeah, we haven't heard a good joke for a while.
Love you all! I hope that you enjoy the sun. Don't forget sunscreen!
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