Monday, March 19, 2018

Week 34 - Atacames - Faster and Faster

Espero que todo esta bien con todos y ¡que disfrutarán su primero día de primavera!

We had some interesting things happen this week. We were in a lesson with an investigator that is really open to asking questions and really wants to learn of our church. She is usually really Catholic, but there was something about us that she decided to let us in (which she usually doesn't do with missionaries of other churches). Her kids have noticed that as well and so they've asked her a few questions: some about the Book of Mormon and some about us. The funniest and most interesting was if my companion and I were gay. We informed her that we weren't and that we had only known each other for four weeks. She understood that it was more for our security because they do the same thing in her work. It was a question I can't say I was ready for.

My companion and I have agreed that when someone tells us that their friends don't want to listen to us, we have a desire to share with their friends. We stopped by a friend of one of our investigators, and they truly didn't want to listen to us. They didn't even talk to us. But, it turns out that it actually wasn't that right person. We had a good laugh over that.

We tried to wear our suits yesterday for Branch Conference. It was the worst thing we could've done. With our church only being an extention, we don't have air conditioning, just fans blowing. It was not a great time.

Whenever we find someone that doesn't want to listen, we usually say we are going to give a charla franka. I like it better to say we are going to give a Jeffery R. Holland. Basically a charla franka is that we are going to leave them and explain the blessings they'll miss. I like a JRH because we do all of the same things, but with love like him. 

I pray that you all will have a good week and look for the funny things. Love you all!

--Elder Ogden--

Me and my new haircut

Demonstrating my tan line and my new haircut 

And Purple tongue

Since we don't take pictures much, I have to take weird random ones. Enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Week 33 - Atacames - The Things I Still Don't Know

Mis familiares y amigos, ¡les amo!

This week I realized, and learned, a lot and hope I can share some of this knowledge with you in this brief email. The first is personal to this area more than anything. In 2016, there was a massive earthquake (7.2 if I understand correctly) here in the coast. I hear about it almost every day. We always pass by cracked buildings and sometimes the remnants of buildings, but I never understood how devestating it was until we talked with a future investigator yesterday. She was telling us how her faith had grown in God and our Savior. She said that the walls of her house had almost fallen on her and her (at this time) four kids and that water had damaged everything in their house. She told us this story as we sat in a makeshift one-roomed house. She then showed us the remnants of her house just outside of where we were teaching her. She also pleaded to us to have the Book of Mormon. This earthquake really tested a lot of people and a lot of people, thankfully, were able to come out on top. I feel this is why many people are open about our lessons and message. 

We also had a very hesitant yet persistent investigator. He wanted to know why he should trust young adults such as ourselves. He wanted to know of our life stories. My companion and I both shared stories of how we fell a little from the church and, at a point in our lives, attended because our parents, families, friends, etc. were attending. However, we both testified of the power of the Book of Mormon and shared what we know. It was a very powerful lesson.

The last thing is in my reading of the great, inspired book, Jesus the Christ. I have just finished the part about the Atonement and death of Jesus Christ. He really did die for our sins. He knows exactly what we are going through. He experience pain, suffering, and (the one tool of Satan that is hard for me to fight through) the dreaded "If". However tragic and agonizing his mortal ministry was, I testify that He Lives. He is the Christ resurrected and we can receive this same blessing. I know he is guiding his church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, through called prophets. I hope all of you can look to Him, have faith in and on Him, and watch and prepare for the day of his coming when we all can be reunited as friends and family.

I love you all and pray that this week will be a spiritually filled week!
--Elder Ogden--

Yes. There is a KFC here in Ecuador. I felt at home as it is just like fast food. My companion didn't like coleslaw (ensalada de cole).

My weird gift I got in a sweet a bought. Hey, that rhymed. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Week 32 - Atacames - Why does this keep happening!?!?

We had another baptism this last Saturday! It was awesome. It was the man, Julio Martinez is his name, that got married my first week here in the coast. He is such an awesome guy and is truly converted to the gospel. He was sharing his testimony and how he met the missionaries. I want to share it with you all. He said that he had been through some tough times and confusion in his life. He decided to pray and ask God to send servants of the Lord to his house. That's when he heard the knock and saw a Gringo and a Latino in white shirts standing outside of his door. As soon as he heard the knock, he said his soul was filled with an immense joy. It was a very sweet, spiritual testimony. I hope that, as members, we are expecting and making miracles as with this brother of ours.

I also learned the meaning of Ether 12:27, turning weaknesses into strengths. Many of you can recall that I like music. Correction, love music. It is my passion. I'm sure some of you won't be surprised to hear that I'll have random songs come into my head that doesn't help focus on the work of the Lord. Also, I have had ideas of songs I can make after my mission, that doesn't help either. However, I saw the promise of Mormon (written in Ether) be fulfilled this week. I was presenting myself to an investigator that my companion and his companion before had already been teaching. I mentioned that my passion is music and she asked if I can sing. I said yes, knowing not very good. She than asked me to sing for her. Luckily, me and my companion had our hymn books in our bags. We sang to her Nearer My God to Thee. I realized that music has become a weakness of mine in the mission field. However, God helped me turn it into a strength. She then mentioned to us that she also likes to sing and she actually tried to sing with us. It was amazing. Use your talents for good!

Now, to answer the title of this email. Many of you might remember a time when I had food poisioning in the MTC. Well, that same sickness decided to hit me hard this last week, during our conferences. I'm all good now, but that sickness is a nightmare. Another reason for this title is that I ran into another Gringo missionary. I believe that is the 8th time I've talked to a gringo missionary and the 20th time I have talked to a gringo in general. It was one of the better ones I've had. He asked some questions and I, paciently and calmly, replied using scriptures. He understood my answers and we now respect the other. It was a good lesson for me to learn: look at others as Children of God and the scriptures can teach better than we can.

I love you all and hope you all are enjoying to cold! Due to rain these past few days it has been chillier and it has felt great!
--Elder Ogden--

Our Baptism

Our Branch

Just Because