This week was a little crazy as my companion needed to get his visa from Quito. I was paired up with Elder Delgado for three days. He is going to end his mission this next week. It was awesome as I got to have a change of pace and be with a missionary with a little bit (or a lot) of experience. We had a good time!
This last Monday and Tuesday was Labor Day here. I don't know when it is in the States. We didn't have much work that happened these two days because everyone was outside of their house and on the beach. It made for a couple of slow days.
We have this dog that is here in Atacames that we call Moroni (like Captain Moroni). I don't know why, but he always follows us to our lessons. In times past, he has usually left us before we get to an appointment. However, this last Friday was not the same. We went to a house that we had set up an appointment and Moroni just followed right behind us. The family tried to shew him out, but they had left the door open. Eventually Moroni just laid down and waited till we left. As we headed to another appointment, he continued to follow us. However, this other appointment had one of these small dogs that size doesn't matter. As the door opened, the smaller dog attacked Moroni. Well, Captain Moroni doesn't joy in bloodshed unless it is to defend lives. It is the same with the dog. This smaller dog attacked, and Moroni jumped on top of the smaller but didn't really do anything else. We, as elders, had to separate the two. It was a great way to start a lesson!
This upcoming Saturday we will hear about changes. The most likely possibility is that I am here for at least one more change. But, I could leave as well. I'll let you all know this next Monday. Maybe this time I will be an assistant 

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