Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 64 - Quito - Nos Vemos Ibarra, Bienvenidos a la Sierra

So I haven't told you that there were changes these past couple of times, mainly because I thought I for sure wasn't going to get changed or that there would be any changes. However, I am currently writing in Quito as I got transferred to the capital. It went by too quick my time with Elder Ellington, but I'm excited for the work he is going to do there in Ibarra. I'm now with Elder Cuevas from Peru. We are both Zone Leaders in the zone Ofelia. Just the first day with this new responsibility has been something very stressful, but work. I'm looking forward to what this has to offer. 

This last week we had companion exchanges. I went with the other trainer in my district, which left our trainees together. I wasn't worried about them at all, but everyone else seemed to be really worried. We found out that they were right. So in our house, we have two doors. One for the house. One to enter the building. We had given the keys to the trainees so that they could go in and do some studies. We got a call from them just right as we were about to go out and work telling us that they locked themselves within those two doors. They had left their keys within the house so couldn't open up the outside door to leave and were currently trapped. We then had to go looking for a guy that could pick a lock. They were stuck in "middle earth" for an hour and a half when we could free them. It was actually really funny and is something I don't think we'll let them forget.

As many of you may know, as missionaries, planning is very important to us. We set up a goal and make plans on how we will achieve those, so that way we can view our progress and if we completed our goals and plans and if we should increase them. However, there are times that someone wants to do something, doesn't plan until the last minute, and it is a flop. I've had this experience with missionaries and with members. Please, plan things. It goes so much easier and everyone is much happier when we are able to do that. That is probably the one lesson I have learned in my mission, making and keeping goals and plans. I know if you set goals and make plans, the balance that we all look for will be reached. If you maybe need help in that sense, check out Chapter 8 of Preach My Gospel. It teaches the principles of using your time wisely. 

Love you all. Crazy we are almost in November. How fast time is going now.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week 63 - Ibarra - Mas Conocimiento

This week was a very spiritually filled week more than anything else.

But, first lets start with the anything else. We were doing our weekly planning this last Friday, when I happened to look out our window and see this man with his sweatshirt and hood on hopping the church fence. I figured that was weird. He walked into the little walkway we have and then came back out and paced. We could tell he had something in the pouch of his sweatshirt, so we decided to check stuff out. We felt pretty cool as if we were going to find something super interesting and have to bust this guy. We were actually singing the song from Mission Impossible as we quickly ran down the stairs. Turns out, it was a YSA member who had forgotten his USB drive in the bathroom and wanted to see if it was open or not. We felt cool until we realized it was him and then just felt silly. But, a good story to tell, right?

Our Mission President, President Murphy, told us a great quote that I loved. He said, "The only benefit of choosing an easier option, is that it is easier." (I'm not claiming this to him, I just don't know who the true source is). It is a good thought to have in mind. Easy options don't help us grow. They don't help us push ourselfs. The don't let us realize the potential we could reach. they are just, easier. So, don't choose the easy. As President Monson has said "Choose the harder right than the easier wrong".

We also had the great opportunity to listen to our prophet, President Russel M. Nelson, his wife, Elder Stevenson, his wife, and Elder and Sister Fallabela.How I love our prophet! Sister Nelson, however, shared an amazing story about the preparation for the Special Youth Devotional. She stated, "When there is somthing that could change the balance of the forces good and evil, Satan throws all that he can." She shared the difficulties she and President Nelson had as they prepared the talk they shared at the devotional. From computers shutting down, to larangitis, to weakness. There was a lot they went through during that preparation. She shared that to our trials. When we try to do what is right, it seems that everything is against us. But she also helped remind us, there are more on our side than theirs. We have people on the other side of the veil helping us complete what we need to do to help others receive the blessings we have received. Don't give up. Have faith. Have hope. Endure to the end.

Love you all. Hope you all have a great week and focus on Jesus Christ this week!

Extra Conocimiento

Monday, October 15, 2018

Week 62 - Ibarra - Cumpleaños Enfermedad y Verificaciones

This week was a great week to celebrate a big Two-O. However, the entire day, I was pretty sick. It actually started in the morning, before eating cake. But, we have some awesome missionaries and members that made it still a special day. We had two districts together this last Tuesday, and it just so happened to be one hermana's birthday as well. We got a double birthday! That's the picture with a bunch of people in it. Cake and brownies. Well, that didn't help my sickness. Then after a while, some members wanted to join us for the appointments we had that day. When we showed up, they also had a birthday cake, and a present, waiting for us. Second cake. They gave me some cuff links and a tie clip. It was super nice of them to give and I enjoyed them very much. However, that didn't help even more so with the sickness. And to top it off, almost literally, some members gave us a third cake (different because it was homemade). Well, I didn't eat the third one because I knew there would be no way. It rained for most of the day which honestly was so great! It has been too perfect these past couple of weeks with just nice sunny skies and beautiful days. It was nice for it to be rainy and gloomy (I know how weird that sounds but it isn't fun not having seasons). I know many of you may be wanting that as you are going into fall, but trust me, here it is nice to not have good days.

We also my companion's first verifications. I don't know if I have explained it before, but basically we just make sure that they can teach lesson one, that they are progressing, and have them go sightseeing (to the place where President Kimball dedicated Ecuador for teaching) while us trainers got to sit in a three hour training. How fun. But now everything is settling down and we'll have a calmer week this week, I hope.

Love you all. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Hope you all enjoy the cold and wet season!!!

One of the cakes

The awesome members 

The gift they gave

Monday, October 8, 2018

Week 61 - Ibarra - Conferencía y Enfermedades

So this week was kind of a slow week, missionary work wise. Three lessons throughout an entire week is not that great, but we keep going! My companion ended up getting pretty sick during this week, so he had to (by doctors’ orders) stay home for the day. Well, it gets really boring being stuck in a house as a missionary. SO one tries to make the best of it. I was very happy however to get back to work. 

This last General Conference was so awesome and super-fast! I loved the new change that we will have as a church and a re-focus on the name of Christ's church. How happy and lucky I am (and you are) to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Through this church and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, we are able to find peace in trials, enduring and lasting happiness and joy, personal revelation, the love of God and all blessings accompanying that, second chances, etc. Isn't that just great! And that's not even all of the things that wait for us! How grateful I am to know that we are guided by a true and living prophet, Russell M. Nelson. He is called of God. He has all the keys needed for the salvation of mankind. The Book of Mormon is true! The very simple steps of salvation (known as the Gospel of Jesus Christ) is the only way we can make it back into the presence of God and receive the glory we are able to receive. 

I love you all. Thanks to those that sent birthday wishes! I hope all of you have a great week! 
The Missionaries in Ibarra

Our Gringo room. As you can tell it was a very poorly done shot...

Our foggy morning this morning. We got caught in a huge rain storm. 

Pictures from Facebook of Zone Conference:

Monday, October 1, 2018

Week 60 - Ibarra - Nuevito y Servicio

This week my companion and I had companion exchanges with the Zone Leaders. I was with Elder Aquino (Elder here no). He was a super fun guy to work and learn from. There was one point that we were going to the only lesson we had that day. I had told him that I was going to pretend to be a new missionary. It was super funny. I kept looking at him to "make sure" that I was saying the right thing. People than told me that my spanish wasn't that good but that I should keep working on it. It was funny, because at one point in the lesson, one of the people asked if I knew Kichua (the language of the natives). So I replied "Ñuca shooti Elder Ogden. Ima shoota kangi?" (My name is Elder Ogden. What is your name? One of the only phrases I know in Kichua). The people were super surprised, and that is when Elder Aquino lost it and laughed. It was so great. I then explained that I have more than a month in Ecuador. 

We had an opportunity this week to do a District Service. It was a blast. We cleaned up this plaza that had a bunch of trash and rocks. While we were cleaning, we did get to contact quite a bit of people. It was so much fun. And of course, we got ice cream afterwards. Yes, a picture will be included.

I wanted to share a video of me bearing my testimony, but the video was too long to send. So I'll just write it here. Being out on my mission, I've learned many things about prayer. Prayer is such a huge gift that I have come to love even more during my mission. I have come to grow a profound love as well for the scriptures. I know the scriptures are the gateway to knowledge and answers. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, saved for us at this time to learn from and to share. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, prepared to come to the Earth to open up the dispensation of the fullness of times. I know that President Russel M. Nelson is a prophet of God. I love him. I'm excited to hear his counsel this upcoming weekend. I know Christ lives. He is our Savior. He died for us so that we might live. He is the reason why there is hope, joy, and peace. I know that what I'm doing is the Lord's work. Not mine. Not President Murphy's (mission president) or President Nelson's. The Lord's. I love you all so much. I miss you all so much. But I know that God is protecting you. Love you all and remember me when watching General Conference! 

Mi hijito

VR (yes, we got permission from President) 

Thai Book of Mormon


Bagel breakfast (they don't have bagles here so this was such a wonderful surprise.