Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Week 59 - Ibarra - Mijo y Mas Elderes

So I now have a new companion. Like, brand new missionary companion. His name is Elder Ellington, from Ohio. He is an awesome guy. He has had a rough way to start the mission losing a lot of things (I know how that is), but it is getting better. He has some really great and new ideas which I always enjoy to have in new companions. He enjoys music and can play the ukelele, which I'm sad we don't have one to hear him play. I'm really excited to work with him and learn from him!

We also got a new companionship in the ward, and, because they are new, they don't have a house. For that reason, they are chilling at our house until there is a house that comes up. I'm really excited to have two other elders in my district. However, these past couple of days have been interesting with two more elders living in the same house. We've already had some pretty funny moments.

So, the craziness of this, the first week of the change. Monday we were stuck in the bus terminal in Otavalo waiting for a missionary to come. I was with an elder that was the district leader. Tuesday we had half of the day here in Ibarra and the other half in the other Elder's sector called Karabuela (grandma face). Wednesday, we had a training for the district leaders in the mission. Thursday started in Karabuela, then to Cotacachi (to talk to the missionaries there. It was so cool to see everything again), and back to Ibarra. Friday we went to pick up our trainees. Saturday we went to a zone council in the morning and had meetings in the afternoon. 

I'll tell you what, it was a hard week to go to work. Very stressful. Still is a little bit with new elders, but I hope things will start calming down. I think that is about all that happened this week. Love you all! 

Me with a ukelele before my companion got here

Table tennis (mini)
The elders didn't take pictures of my companion and I. Sorry! 

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