Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 74 - Quito - Oposición en todas las cosas

It turned cold this week (not cold like it is now in the States but cold here). We also have had a lot of rain which was really nice for this week. It was weird as I sadly realized that I've adapted to the weather here. I don't want to imagine how cold I'll be when I get back.

We had a super funny experience with a member this week. We decided to go out and visit the families that are being ministered to and to help out the ministering brothers and sisters minister in a holier way. As we went to visit one family, we found out that it has been quite a while since they have attended church. And it was more and more obvious the more we talked. However, there was moment we were talking about the restoration. We asked what they remembered about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The mother thinks and unsure says, "There was the prophet...Will Smith???" The daughter started laughing as the mother recognized that that was not the prophet. It was a good laugh as we then explained it was Joseph Smith. 

We also saw this week a lot of opposition; not against us but against those we are teaching. There were so many problems that came up from having a wayward son leave the house and getting injected for her back to getting in a car accident and now looking for a new store to move to. I couldn't help but think just how hard Satan is working against us and God so that these wonderful people can't complete the invitations we have extended to them. However, because they are wonderful people, they've been able to recognize the importance to depend on God and the Atonement of Christ. It's been a little difficult for us and them, but we've been able to keep going. I think it is a good lesson for all of us and for this last weeks study topic about miracles. It is so important for us to follow the willingness of Mary as she submitted to the will God had for her, even though it wasn't in her plans I'm sure. I know that we can humbly submit to God's will as we constantly try to seek it.

Love you all! I hope you have a great week as we try to become true-er disciples of Jesus Christ (I can't English any more). 

Completo de Chile

Omelet with leftovers from completo

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