Monday, January 28, 2019

Week 76 - Quito - Estrés...

This week has been super stressful for some reason. We had a baptism this week which was awesome! Her name is Gloria Ojeda and she was so excited to finally be baptized. She had been looking for someone to explain things to her so that she could understand the scriptures better. We were that answer and how greatful she is for that. She is such a funny lady.

The baptism didn't quite go the way planned. The ward that we share churches with also had a baptism at the same time. The worst, it was a ward in another stake. So, we decided to join the two baptisms. It made it a little less stressful. Plus, a new companion is also always stressful.

He's a great guy though. He knows a bunch of English so we talk a lot in English as well. We also both have a love of tennis and talk a lot about the players (I'm sure this change we will be playing some tennis!). We've had a very eventful week and will have an even more eventful week that comes. 

Love you all! Have a great week!

Middle of the World (monument)

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 75 - Quito - CAMBIOS!!

We had transfers this week and my companion sadly left to go to the jungle. However, I've super excited to start working with my new companion Elder La Plata. He's a missionary I've known since the beginning of his mission and is a super awesome guy. Another companion from Peru. He seems super excited to work and I'm ready for the energy that he'll bring to the sector.

We've had very busy days and I feel the weeks feel like days and the months like weeks. It is so crazy how fast everything is going now. I can't believe we are more than halfway through with January!

I guess I must be good at giving talks. Yesterday, I had given a talk about revelation and two weeks ago about the missionary work. I don't know why they would ask me to do two different talks, but I must be good at it. Otherwise they wouldn't keep asking me to do it.

Love you all!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Week 74 - Quito - Oposición en todas las cosas

It turned cold this week (not cold like it is now in the States but cold here). We also have had a lot of rain which was really nice for this week. It was weird as I sadly realized that I've adapted to the weather here. I don't want to imagine how cold I'll be when I get back.

We had a super funny experience with a member this week. We decided to go out and visit the families that are being ministered to and to help out the ministering brothers and sisters minister in a holier way. As we went to visit one family, we found out that it has been quite a while since they have attended church. And it was more and more obvious the more we talked. However, there was moment we were talking about the restoration. We asked what they remembered about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The mother thinks and unsure says, "There was the prophet...Will Smith???" The daughter started laughing as the mother recognized that that was not the prophet. It was a good laugh as we then explained it was Joseph Smith. 

We also saw this week a lot of opposition; not against us but against those we are teaching. There were so many problems that came up from having a wayward son leave the house and getting injected for her back to getting in a car accident and now looking for a new store to move to. I couldn't help but think just how hard Satan is working against us and God so that these wonderful people can't complete the invitations we have extended to them. However, because they are wonderful people, they've been able to recognize the importance to depend on God and the Atonement of Christ. It's been a little difficult for us and them, but we've been able to keep going. I think it is a good lesson for all of us and for this last weeks study topic about miracles. It is so important for us to follow the willingness of Mary as she submitted to the will God had for her, even though it wasn't in her plans I'm sure. I know that we can humbly submit to God's will as we constantly try to seek it.

Love you all! I hope you have a great week as we try to become true-er disciples of Jesus Christ (I can't English any more). 

Completo de Chile

Omelet with leftovers from completo

Monday, January 7, 2019

Week 73 - Quito - Happy New Year!

President Murphy asked the missionaries to share this with their families in their next e-mail:

Happy New Year!!! We had a great day being locked inside our house as we deep cleaned everything. That was sure tiring. But we made some plans and goals for the next year (inside and outside of the mission) and play some card games (remind me to teach you all tres, super fun).

This week we had a mission council to talk about how we can be great this next year. We talked a lot about unity and just how important it is to be unified. It is something that I want to do better to my leaders and to those that need our help. It has helped us out this week as we were able to focus on our communication and just communicating better. 

We also had a Stake Conference where we had the opportunity to hear from Elder Agüero. He mentioned something I found very inpiring about the importance of learning at home (with the new home-centered church-supported program). He talked of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis (later called Ammonites) from the Book of Mormon. These people made a convenant with God to never take up their weapons against their fellowman. even to the point of burying their swords. However, there came a point were their enemies came against them to destroy them. They wouldn't take up their arms. Instead, they would prostrate themselves before their enemies and pray to the Lord. Because of this firm testimony. "more were converted than were slain by the sword". Years later, they were again affronted with their enemies within their people. This time, a lot worse than the first. They felt the desire to take up arms, but Helaman, the prophet at this time, told them it was better not to. So they were left to suffer watching their "protectors" die for them. Someone eventually suggested that their sons (ages 12-26) go and fight for them because they hadn't yet entered into the covenant. The sons did so and made a covenant to guard the country with their lives, never abandon their army, and stand for right. They said they made this covenant from the teachings of their mothers. Elder Agüero suggested a reason as to why it doesn't mention the fathers. He said it wasn't because they didn't teach or were lazy, rather they were among those that were killed in the first encounter with the enemies; thus sealing their commitment to be covenant keepers. This is the example that we all need to be. It is good to say things, or even make covenants. We have to to make it back to God's presence to enjoy the joy he also enjoys. However, we must do it from our desires. We then have to show how important those covenants are to us by our example and actions. That is how we best teach. It was a teaching that opened up more my understanding. 

I love you all and hope you all have a great week. We are finally getting rain after three weeks of just heat, something I'm sure many of you are wanting! 

New shoes. Who dis? (Jamesthemormon quote, for those that don't know)

 Our lunch (and dinner) for New Years since we were stuck in our house.

 The damage one can receive from ice skating...


Watching the Incredibles 2 for Christmas

Another car wash

My companion

So what happened is that we didn't have electricity in our house
for two days, so we messed around with our flashlight.