Monday, December 11, 2017

Week 20 - Cotacachi - Working, But Laughing

¡Hola mis amado amigos y familiares!

This week has been interesting, funny, and work. Just about the normal that a missionary can expect.
My companion hit his one year mark this week. We had a lot of new investigators, so I hope that was a good gift to him! We also had cake, but that's not important. Things have started getting so much better with my companion. I found that if you just talk with someone that you are having a hard time getting a long with, things get better faster. It sounds really simple and it is. Just having a normal conversation and getting the other to talk helped a lot. We were able to have better lessons this week because of it. We also have started to be more direct with people. We have found we are able to find if people are really interested or not.

I was also talking with one of our recent converts, José Reinoso, and he told me that someone that was in Spain recognized me in a photo of his daughters baptism. He looked for the name and said, Hunter Ballam (sorry if I spelled that wrong). It was awesome. Turns out, he baptized a member in the spouses family and had a connection in that way. José even had a picture of Hunter on his mission with this member. It was really cool to see.

We had a few experiences that were comical, but I will tell of two that stood out. One is when we were out contacting. Some houses have an intercom as a doorbell, so they don't have to leave the house. We had just rang one when a person answered. As we explained that we just wanted to present ourselves and share a message about Christmas, the person responed "Nobody's home". Yes, we were talking to a spirit. My companion and I just looked at each other and I had said we wanted to talk to her. She then told us she couldn't get up at this moment. To explain more about this intercom system, there is a conventional phone that is connected to this intercom. A person has to get up and answer it in order to talk to someone. After leaving and before knocking on the next door, I had to take a moment and just let out the laugh I had been holding in. It was very interesting.

The second, was even more interesting. We were walking to a community when we saw a lone cow. My companion before, Elder Alvarado, had been able to talk to cows, so I decided to try. I called, or mooed, twice when the cow turned and looked at us. I mooed again and the cow started to move, towards us! We quickly, very quickly, started walking in the other direction. The cow, however, was not going to give up and started following us. Now, I want you to picture this. Two men, a gringo and latino in white shirts and ties, are walking very quickly and looking back with a cow following right behind. I'm sure it was quite the sight to see. The cow started mooing back at us, I think to tell us to stop. I turned and looked at my companion and said, "I don't know what I said, but I think she liked it."
I hope all of you are doing great and can find comedy in the small things. Love you all!
--Elder Ogden--

One Year! for my companion

Mini Temple Square. I'll get a better picture this week.

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