Monday, October 23, 2017

Week 13 - Cotacachi - New District, New Faces

Hello everyone!

This last Monday was our changes (I think that's the word in English). Elder Alvarado and I aren't going anywhere for the next six more weeks! However, my companion is now the District Leader of a newly formed district. He wasn't very excited about it and I can understand why. We now focus more on the missionaries in our district than our own investigators. That has been hard but change is how we grow. I've learned just how hard and upsetting it is when we have to drop an investigator. We had one that she would always ask questions which usually never related to our message. We eventually asked her if she wanted to know the truthfulness of our message. She said she didn't. So, we told her we couldn't have appointments anymore, but that we would stop by and see how she was doing and if she was reading. It was very hard but we both felt prompted to do so. It's something I'm afraid I'll have to get used to. 

I have gained so much confidence in Spanish. I still honestly don't understand everything and have a hard time following conversations, but I am not afraid to go up and talk to people in Spanish. I know that isn't me as well. It is all divine help. Even with that, I taught me first lesson in English. There is one of our new investigators who wants to learn English, so we decided the best way to do this is Elder Alvarado teaches the full part of the lesson and I teach that same part in English just a minute or two. It is actually very difficult because I can't use words I would use with an English speaker. It's helped me appreciate learning a new language. We also had a miracle this week. We were waiting for a bus to take us to Otavalo, a city thirty minutes away, so we could sleep overnight at our Zone Leaders house and head for Quito for a special conference. However, one of our lessons went longer than we were expecting and all the buses had ended. We were talking with a lady about this when we finally decided to take a taxi and possibly pay six dollars. As we were talking to the taxi driver about the possibility, a bus stopped and the lady made sure we were on it. That should not have happened. But it did. It was amazing. We just sat down and took a sigh of relief. 

Now for the good part. This was a special conference because of those that were attending: Elder Fallabela and his wife of the Quorum of the Seventy, Sister Eubank First Counselor in the General Relief Society, Sister McConkie and her husband First Counselor in the General Young Womens. It was such an awesome conference. They all talked a lot about the Spirit and importance of. I'll send a talk that Elder Bednar gave that I really loved that has been and will be the focus in these coming weeks here.

I love you all and hope everyone is doing good!
--Elder Ogden--

I hope the link works!

A birthday gift

The healthiest breakfast in my mission (It's a banana oreo milkshake, so good)

My poor pants...

We have been experiencing Wyoming wind all this week. With cattle passing and the wind blowing, I turned and looked at my companion and our Mission Leader and said, I'm back in Wyoming? It's already been two years? Time certainly has flown fast here. I heard it goes faster after training so we'll see if that's true. Two more days and it's my three month! 

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