Thursday, August 10, 2017

Week 2 - CCM

Hello everybody!!

I am sorry for how late this email is. We went to the temple again this morning and it fit our schedule to email right now. The weeks are starting to go by much faster here. It might be because this week has been kinda hectic. Elder Frey and I have played tennis twice now which is so awesome! He has had some time that he has played which makes it fun. I can now say I have played tennis in a different country. My goal here in the CCM was to become a better teacher and I feel that that is happening!

Last Saturday, I think I may have gotten food poisoning. I was in an out of the bathroom all Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the day was fine besides that part. I was worried I would have to get some medical help but I asked my companions for a priesthood blessing Sunday night and once the blessing was over I felt better. Not 100% but better. It was Elder Maruyama`s second blessing and Elder Frey (who actually verbalized the blessing) had me be his first blessing. I felt that he was completely submitting to and following the promptings of the spirit which also helped me be put at ease. The male members in my class gave a blessing to our teacher as well because he was getting pretty sick. 

This last Sunday was pretty Spiritual. We had three different devotionals we went to. One we watched The Restoration video which is always super good. We had a lesson from our president and his wife about the priesthood and the role of women in the church. The last was by President and Hermana Eves (who scared people and talked about being a perfect missionary). They truly are good teachers. We discussed the importance of the Book of Mormon which made me realize how important the Book of Mormon is in the gospel and as a missionary. If you have not read it, read it. If you have read it, read it again, but this time know what it contains. That is what I am currently working on right now.

We had a service activity on Monday washing the walls of buildings. It didn`t seem like we were making a difference because they were already white. We had the opportunity to talk to some of the Latino Hermanas here which was awesome. They were so funny, mainly because we could not speak Spanish but they did not really care. We ended up sitting with them at dinner that night and met some Latino Elders. They totally understand that we cannot speak perfect Spanish. I also found out that my "therapy session" was a check up to see how my studdering was going. I explained that it was bad in my childhood but now was slight. I feel it comes out a bit more when trying to speak Spanish. 

Monday night was the craziest night thus far. When we all were about to retire for bed, one of the rooms in our casa had a pipe break in their bathroom. We quickly blocked the doorway leading out with towels and attempted to call somebody. No one, of course, was working so we had to find a solution ourselves. Luckily the floor was slanted just perfectly to where the water could drain into the shower, but it would not be enough. One of the elders in my district found a shut off valve which we all were grateful for. Now if only this was the end of that night. I got a wake up call at three thirty in the morning by Elder Maruyama. He was asking if I and Elder Frey (rhyme) could give him a priesthood blessing. I gave him the blessing and then he told us the story: He had woken up in an intense amount of pain. He thought he also contracted food poisoning. He went of to the bathroom, sat down, and then passed out. He said we was woken up by the feeling of blood flowing out his nose. He cleaned himself off and then woke Elder Frey and I (man I am on a role). We took him to the infirmary later Tuesday day and the doctors were, interesting. The nurse that saw us first forced Elder Maruyama to speak Spanish (we spent five minutes trying to look up the word faint). Elder Frey and I could understand what she was saying and helping Elder Maruyama out (like what I thought was a good companionship), however she wanted just him to speak and listen. After another five minutes we see the doctor. He obviously was not very happy to see us because I think he was going on his lunch break. In the end, Elder Maruyama is fine and is feeling a lot better. 

Not much else has gone on. It has been pretty much classes every day with a few of these exciting bursts. Thank you everyone for the packages and the letters! I have enjoyed them all. Love all of you!

--Elder Ogden--

Elder Ogden, Elder Frey, & Elder Maruyama

Mexico City Temple

The companions at the Mexico City Temple visitor center

Mexico City Temple

The whole district 


Mission President

Mexico Flag at the CCM

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