Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 7 - Cotacachi

Flag of Ecuador
Hola para Ecuador!!!
Hello everyone!

I am currently in Cotacatchi. I have loved the short time that I have spent here. I have learned a lot about the language and the culture.

My new companion is Elder Alvarado. He is from Peru (and Ecuador just played Peru for fùtbol and Peru won...). He has a brother that is already on a mission. He is 23 and has been such a great trainer.

We basically walk all day when we aren't having a quick bus ride or encontrado (Encontrar=look for/encounter. It is similar to contacting for those that served a mission. My companion likes encontrar better as do I). It's a lot of up and down mountains. We already have 17 nuevo investigadores (I don't know English anymore). And Elder Alvarado was great before I got here and we already have a family with a baptismal date.

The people and families here are fantastic! They are very humble and focus their efforts on family. The people I have encontré already have taught me a lot about the kind of father I want to be after the mission. 

Most of the time we only teach lesson uno because we don't have many active investigators. It gives me good practice! 

Spanish I getting so much better. Following the Spirit is as well. One spiritual experience we had was this last Sunday. This father approached us and wanted us to go and give his family blessings and bless his house. They have suffered a lot in life already. The mother is blind and the father has problems with his eyes as well. They have two kids and all they want are blessings and are faithful to recieve them. I could feel God's love for them so strongly.

Now my quick lesson. Learn to feel and recognize the Spirit! We all have the light of Christ and those of us baptized have the Spirit "to always be with us". My family and friends, strive to find that Spirit wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

I love you all. I will be in this area for three possibly six months. Good thing we have the best house in the mission!

--Elder Ogden--

Note from Shane:  Stanley's memory card got erased while trying to transfer pictures.  He tried to send some pictures that one of his teachers from the Mexico City MTC (CCM) had sent him, but they did not come through to us.  We did some additional research to learn about Cotacachi.  It is a city with a population of roughly 9,000 people.  It lies in a valley between 2 volcanos (they appear to be dormant).  There is 1 ward in the city and if you do a google search for images of Cotacachi you will see some beautiful scenery and lots of hills.  There is a lake outside of the city called Guinea Pig Lake.  It is really beautiful.  We hope to get some pictures next week as well as more information on the city and people.  

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