Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week 84 - Quinindé - Correo Diferente

This week not much has happened, so I've decided to share with you a hymn I was able to write during my mission. It is my hymn to send for the new hymnbook.

Thanks, O Lord, My God
For all that I've received
Thanks, O Lord, My God
For helping ev'ry need
Thanks, O Lord, My God
For all I have to give
I will sing, I will praise
Thanks, O Lord, My God!

Thanks, O Lord, My God,
For fam'ly I hold dear
Thanks, O Lord, My God,
Their willingness to hear
Thanks, O Lord, My God,
For those that give me life
I will sing, I will praise
Thanks, O Lord, My God!

Thanks, O Lord, My God!
For ev'ry challenge brought
Thanks, O Lord, My God!
My sufferings are wrought
Thanks, O Lord, My God!
For trials that I have fought
I will sing, I will praise
Thanks, O Lord, My God!

Thanks, O Lord, My God!
For gifts that I can bring
Thanks, O Lord, My God!
A disciple I will be!
Thanks, O Lord, My God,
The service I can rend!
I will sing, I will praise
Thanks, O Lord, My God!

Thanks, O Lord, My God,
For prophets dear and true
Thanks, O Lord, My God,
They guide us what to do
Thanks, O Lord, My God,
They're kind and sweet and dear
I will sing, I will praise

Love you all!

Cool picture with companion

The selba/finca

Me teaching english (in song form of course)

Our little district with one of our zone leaders

Breakfast burritos

A cockroach

Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 83 - Quinindé - Nuevo y Nada Nuevo

Just like the majority of missionaries now, I've gotten lazy about writing a weekly letter. But, repentance always exists, right?

Nothing really happened the week I didn't write. The only cool thing is that we got to see a part of the coast that is just a huge garden. It is called a finca in Spanish. Almost everyone has one and goes there a lot. They can get fresh fruits and enjoy being in the "wilderness" and away from the things of the city. That's nice, that's for sure.

This week we had a surprise and I now am training a new missionary! His name is Elder Guerrero and is from Guayaquil, the biggest city in Ecuador. He was previously assigned and served a little bit in the Brazil Victoria Mission and is happy to teach me some Portuguese. Due to medical reasons, he came back home, recovered, and now has joined the best mission in the world. He is super excited about the missionary work and I am stoked to be able to work with him probably these last three months.

I hope everyone felt inspired during General Conference. I know I certainly did. Many talks were just so well knit together. I certainly love our fifteen prophets, seers, and revelators. I know that all of them are called of God. We have a lot to prepare for. As Elder Christopherson reminded us, there is much to prepare for before the Second Coming of the Lord. So, let us all thrust within our sickle and reap with our might so that Jesus Christ might have a great Second Coming in this beautiful world. Love you all!